IMA was contracted by The Freshwater Trust (TFT) to support design of an Idaho Power Corporation (IPC) pilot project at Bayha Island on the Snake River near Melba, ID. Working with TFT and an engineering firm, IPC restored fluvial and floodplain function by deepening an over widened channel and reconstructing the floodplain to address elevated river temperatures within this reach. Working in tandem with our sister company North Fork Native Plants we designed a comprehensive revegetation plan, custom grew plant materials, and completed plant installation at the 11ac. restoration site. We also designed, specified, and implemented a temporary irrigation system at the project. As the revegetation consultant, we specified the plant palette and installation techniques, provided comparisons and cost estimates for various revegetation options, specified the seedmix and seeding plan and designed the irrigation system. North Fork Native Plants custom grew about 10,000 containerized plants for the project. IMA provided creative, on-the-fly solutions to changing water levels and design discrepancies, and came up with irrigation solutions for a non-standard site. We are confident and hopeful that the currently installed plants will do well and we will be returning in the spring of 2017 to cut and install willow poles as part of an experiment comparing cuttings to pre-grown plants.
Pressure from browsing animals, including deer, beavers, and voles, was deemed high on Bayha Island. To mitigate the damage, IMA installed three types of browse protection: beaver guards, deer fencing, and vole guards.