Lost Peaks Ranch - Habitat Ponds

TYPE – Pond Design, Wetland Mitigation

GOAL – Converted degraded wetlands into a highly functional wildlife habitat pond/wetland complex to mitigate for driveway impacts to wetland


DATE – 2024

CLIENT – Private landowner

SCOPE – Wetland delineation, water rights investigations, surveying, pond design

DETAILS – IMA designed and permitted a series of habitat ponds along a wetland swale within a large ranch.  Baseline conditions were surveyed on the ranch and groundwater monitoring wells were installed to track spring flows and to further understand wetland hydrology on the site.  A design was developed that balanced high excavation volumes and limited impacts to existing wetlands.  The project will be constructed after water rights work is complete and the excess excavation from the ponds will be used to create an equestrian riding arena with the fill placed in adjacent uplands.

High intensity short duration rotational grazing


TYPE - Ecologically Based Range Management

GOAL - Implement grazing strategies to increase forage quantity and plant diversity

LOCATION - Soda Springs, ID

DATE - 2019 - 2023

CLIENT - Private landowner

SCOPE - Ranch Mapping, Range Management Plan, Monitoring Transects, Range Technician Management

Lost Peaks Ranch

TYPE – Ecologically Based Range Management

GOAL – Document existing conditions and develop comprehensive ranch management plan


DATE – 2024

CLIENT – Private landowner

SCOPE – Baseline inventory, wetland delineation, water rights investigations, field mapping, summary report, field data collection & analysis

DETAILS – Baseline conditions and comprehensive management recommendations for a 710 acre ranch. Management objectives included future pond, corral and homesite locations; stocking rate (horses, bison, cattle etc.) and fencing recommendations; agricultural crop/water management; noxious weed and mosquito control

Mapped noxious weed infestations are clustered around disturbed areas, including buildings, ditches, and roads

Noxious weed infestations were concentrated around disturbed areas including buildings, ditches, and roads

Corral Creek Ranch - Integrated Weed Control

TYPE – Integrated Weed Management, Organic Weed Control

GOAL – Restore, preserve, and maintain a pristine western ranch for family and future generations

LOCATION – Beaverhead County, MT

DATE – 2018-2024

CLIENT – Private landowner

SCOPE – Map Noxious Weed Infestations, Weed Management Plan, Prioritize Treatment Species and Locations, Perform Organic Weed Control Treatments

ranchland habitat restoration

Corral Creek Ranch - Range Management

TYPE – Ecologically Based Range Management

GOAL – Improve range condition by implementing a grazing plan based on forage availability estimates

LOCATION – Beaverhead County, MT

DATE – 2017-2021

CLIENT – Private landowner

SCOPE – Soil Survey & ESD Forage Estimates, Grazing Management Plan

habitat restoration on creek corridor

Willow Creek Ranch

TYPE – Ecologically Based Range Management

GOAL – Maximize ranching and ecological productivity by identifying current forage conditions and recommending grazing strategies to increase production for ranching and wildlife


DATE – 2017-2019

CLIENT – Private landowner

SCOPE – Baseline inventory, Double Weight Sampling, Intensive Grazing Range Management Plan

habitat restoration and water resource planning on private ranch

Bar Cross Ranch

TYPE – Water Resource Planning

GOAL – Identify opportunities to maximize the use of existing water rights on a 26,000-acre ranch; engineer plans for two large irrigation reservoirs to supplement mid-season irrigation flows


DATE – 2017

CLIENT – Private landowner

SCOPE – Water rights investigations, field mapping, summary report, field data collection & analysis, topographic survey, soil analysis, water rights permitting, engineered plan set, revegetation design


TYPE – Forestry

GOAL – Reduce wildfire risk, improve forest health, and improve wildlife habitat

LOCATION – Beaverhead County, MT

DATE – 2020

CLIENT – Private landowner

SCOPE – Forest mapping, fuels reduction, aspen regeneration.

habitat restoration along teton river

Foster’s Sanctuary

TYPE – Fish & Wildlife Habitat Appraisal

GOAL – Identify conservation potential, regulatory permitting constraints, water rights and habitat development feasibility

LOCATION – Teton Valley, ID

DATE – 2017

CLIENT – Private landowner

SCOPE – Conducted a site visit and collected relevant information to identify easement potential, residential building site, wildlife habitat enhancements, trail system and ranching feasibility

habitat restoration appraisal willow creek

Willow Creek Ranch

TYPE – Fish & Wildlife Habitat Appraisal

GOAL – Identify fish and wildlife habitat resources and restoration potential on an 11,000 acre ranch


DATE – 2016

CLIENT – Private landowner

SCOPE – Conducted a site visit and collected GIS data to identify fishery resources, wetland resources, wildlife resources and conservation potential

cattle grazing before habitat restoration

Fall River Springs

TYPE – Ecologically Based Range Management

GOAL – Improve range condition with a comprehensive range management and pasture rotation plan

LOCATION – St. Anthony, ID

DATE – 2013

CLIENT – Private landowner

SCOPE – Baseline inventory, Grazing Range Management Plan, NRCS - EQIP Enrollment

native fish stocking after habitat restoration

Fall River Springs

TYPE – Water Resource Planning

GOAL – Develop a comprehensive plan to improve existing ranch water resources for recreation, stocked trout and aesthetics

LOCATION – St. Anthony, ID

DATE – 2013

CLIENT – Private landowner

SCOPE – Field data collection & analysis, topographic survey, groundwater monitoring, inlet diversion and outlet design, ACOE permitting, water rights analysis & permitting, engineered plan set, revegetation design, construction management

range management and habitat restoration in beautiful field

Cattle Creek Ranch

TYPE – Ecologically Based Range Management

GOAL – Improve range condition by implementing a grazing plan, constructing riparian fencing and planting willows

LOCATION – Teton Valley, ID

DATE – 2008

CLIENT – Private landowner

SCOPE – Soil Survey & ESD Forage Estimates, Grazing Management Plan, Willow Planting, NRCS EQIP Enrollment