Artic Grayling Habitat

TYPE – Stream Habitat, Pond Habitat

GOAL – Add functional spawning and overwinter habitat to an existing pond/wetland complex in the centennial valley for artic grayling conservation

LOCATION – Beaverhead County, MT

DATE – 2023 - 2025

CLIENT – Montana Fish Wildlife & Parks

SCOPE – Topographic surveying, pond grading plan, channel engineering and design, revegetation plan, aquatic resource inventory, construction oversight

DETAILS – Design involved the creation of 1,900 feet of spawning channels, integrated into the existing pond and wetland complex. These channels were constructed to provide the optimal substrate size and water velocities necessary for successful Arctic Grayling reproduction, and were connected to a tributary of Red Rock Creek to facilitate fish outmigration. To ensure the pond's ability to provide suitable overwintering habitat, the pond was re-graded and deepened, ensuring reliable habitat even during drought years.

Foster Slough Restoration

TYPE – Stream Restoration

GOAL – Restore historic water extents and fish habitat; improve existing duck pond; enhance lower Foster Slough


DATE – 2022-2024

CLIENT – Private Landowner

SCOPE – Topographic/bathymetric surveying, grading plan, hydrologic and hydraulic analysis, revegetation plan, permitting, construction oversight

DETAILS – In the upper slough, where flows are ephemeral, surface water was increased by installing check dams and excavating into the shallow water table. This intervention increased the availability of suitable habitat for shorebird and waterfowl nesting and rearing.

In the lower slough, where flows are perennial, the focus was to increase habitat complexity and establish self-maintaining pool frequency. The objective in this reach was to enhance juvenile overwintering fish habitat.


TYPE – Stream Restoration

GOAL – Improve water quality and habitat for ESA listed anadromous salmonids


DATE – 2022-2025

CLIENT – Lemhi County Soil & Water Conservation District

SCOPE – River Surveying, Hydraulic Modeling, Restoration Design, Construction Ready Plan Set

DETAILS – Original project designs included side channel work on the river right floodplain as well as project components in the mainstem channel. In January 2024, a significant ice jam event occurred downstream of the project area that caused damage to private property. In response to this event, the project design process was halted and re-evaluated for risk of ice jamming. After consulting with regional stakeholders and private landowners, the Sponsor decided to remove all mainstem channel work to minimize ice jamming risk. The project was then redesigned to accommodate this feedback. The design utilizes engineered log jams and side channel excavation to activate 1.7 acres of wetland, floodplain and overflow channels.

Cart Hollow sPRING

TYPE – Pond Design

GOAL – Create a 0.2 acre pond with wildlife habitat and aesthetic benefits

LOCATION – Squirrel, ID

DATE – 2023-2024

CLIENT – Private Landowner

SCOPE – Topographic surveying, pond design and engineering, revegetation plan, construction oversight

DETAILS – The pond is an engineered, lined system that is sustained by an adjacent spring. To ensure a consistent supply of cold, oxygenated water throughout the summer months, a spring box collection system was installed. Additionally, IMA secured a private pond permit from the Idaho Department of Fish and Game, enabling the stocking of the pond with trout. Since its completion, the pond has attracted a diverse range of wildlife, and the owners have observed numerous species benefiting from the habitat it provides.

Elliot Creek Restoration

TYPE – Stream Restoration

GOAL – Increase habitat quality for juvenile trout


DATE – 2022-2024

CLIENT – Private Landowner

SCOPE – Topographic/bathymetric surveying, grading plan, hydrologic and hydraulic analysis, revegetation plan, permitting, construction oversight

DETAILS – This area supports one of the last strongholds of Yellowstone cutthroat trout, a species of high conservation concern. Several restoration prescriptions were applied, drawing from conditions observed in reference reaches. To reduce channel width, transplanted wetland vegetation was used to improve fine sediment transport and bank stability. Pool habitat was expanded through excavation to create more overwintering opportunities for juvenile Yellowstone cutthroat trout. Poorly functioning channel segments were abandoned, and new channels were constructed through existing mature riparian vegetation, providing immediate shading and cover—key elements for high-quality habitat.

Hell Roaring Creek - stream restoration

TYPE – Stream Restoration

GOAL – Improve in-stream habitat for native fish, Improve floodplain connectivity, Promote aquifer recharge, Reduce sediment inputs from excessive bank erosion.

LOCATION – Beaverhead County, MT

DATE – 2018 - 2020

CLIENT – Private Landowner

SCOPE – Topographic Survey, Restoration Design, Construction Ready Plan Set, Environmental Permitting, Construction Management, Project Monitoring

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Corral Creek Ranch - Fish and Wildlife Lake

TYPE - Lake and Wetland Complex

GOAL - Construct a highly functional lake and wetland complex for wildlife and recreational fishing

LOCATION - Beaverhead County, MT

DATE - 2018 - 2020

CLIENT - Private landowner

SCOPE - Topographic Survey; Wetland Delineation; Groundwater Study; Construction Ready Plan Set; Permitting; Water Rights Transfer; Construction Management; Revegetation; Project Monitoring

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stream restoration plans


TYPE – River Restoration

GOAL – Restore a disconnected side channel to the Methow River to provide juvenile Chinook rearing habitat


DATE – 2016

CLIENT – Cascade Columbia Fisheries Enhancement Group

SCOPE – Field Data Collection & Analysis, Topographic Survey, Hydraulic Modeling, Channel Restoration, Salmonid Habitat Enhancement, Revegetation Design


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Stream restoration bank stabilized by logs with rootwads, erosion control fabric, and willow plantings


TYPE – Bio-engineered Streambank Stabilization

GOAL – Bio-engineer a bank stabilization solution to protect the highway and a public access point on the Salmon River.


DATE – 2014

CLIENT – Idaho Department of Transportation

SCOPE – Topographic Survey, Hydraulic Modeling, HEC-RAS analysis, Bioengineered Bank Stabilization Design, Installation & Revegetation


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Stream Restoration plan view of the Concept Design


TYPE – River Restoration

GOAL – Develop a comprehensive restoration plan that maximizes fish habitat, natural river functions and recreation opportunities on 1.5 miles of the Newfork River.

LOCATION – Sublette County, WY

DATE – 2015 - 2021

CLIENT – Wyoming Game & Fish Department, Trout Unlimited, BLM

SCOPE – Field Data Collection & Analysis; Topographic Survey; Geomorphic Assessment; Channel Restoration, Bank Stabilization, Boat Ramp Design; Wetland Delineation; Construction Oversight


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Little Sawmill.JPG

Little Sawmill Creek - Salmon Habitat Restoration

TYPE – River Restoration; Spring Creek Restoration

GOAL – Restore stream and floodplain functions to provide juvenile salmon and steelhead rearing habitat within the footprint of a historic calving and feedlot area near the town of Baker


DATE – 2016-2018

CLIENT – Trout Unlimited

PARTNERS – Upper Salmon Basin Watershed Program, Bonneville Power Administration, Private Landowner

SCOPE – Topo and Bathymetric Survey; Wetland Delineation; Groundwater Well Installation, Monitoring & Analysis; Hydrologic, Geomorphic, Hydraulic & Ecologic Analyses, Civil 3D CAD designs, Basis of Design Report; Permitting Assistance; Construction Management; As-built Survey

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Corral Creek - fish habitat enhancement

TYPE – Stream Habitat Enhancement

GOAL – Improve spawning and juvenile rearing habitat for one of the last endemic populations of Artic Grayling in the lower 48 United States.

LOCATION – Beaverhead County, MT

DATE – 2018 - 2020

CLIENT – Private Landowner

SCOPE – Topographic Survey, Stream Design, Construction Ready Plan Set, Environmental Permitting, Construction Management, Project Monitoring



TYPE – River Restoration

GOAL – Maximize trout habitat and angling opportunities on a degraded creek.


DATE – 2015

CLIENT – Private landowner

SCOPE – Field Data Collection & Analysis, Topographic Survey, Channel Realignment, Trout Habitat Enhancement

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Completed engineered log jam to protect an eroding bank, blended into an existing natural log jam


TYPE – Bio-engineered Streambank Stabilization

GOAL – Bio-engineer a bank stabilization solution that reduces bank erosion, increases hydraulic roughness, prevents a channel avulsion, and provides fish habitat on the Lemhi River.


DATE – 2013

CLIENT – Private landowner

SCOPE – Field Data Collection & Analysis, Topographic Survey, Bank Stabilization Design, Construction Oversight

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Stream Restoration installing cover logs in a newly created backwater channel


TYPE – Bio-engineered Streambank Stabilization

GOAL – Restore an eroding river bank, reduce the flooding frequency at a home site and create juvenile overwinter habitat for Steelhead and Chinook salmon


DATE – 2015

CLIENT – Lemhi Regional Land Trust

SCOPE – Groundwater Monitoring, Topographic Survey, Hydraulic Modeling, HEC-RAS analysis, Bioengineered Bank Stabilization Design, Habitat Restoration Design, Construction Management


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Stream Restoration - Large woody debris installed along the edge of a constructed point bar to provide cover and thermal refuge

Lemhi River - Salmon Habitat Restoration

TYPE – River Restoration

GOAL – Improve bank, channel and riparian conditions to address shade and habitat in areas where existing channel geometry and riparian vegetation is impaired

LOCATION – Leadore, ID

DATE – 2017-2018

CLIENT – Lemhi Regional Land Trust

PARTNERS – Rio ASE (DESIGN PARTNER), Upper Salmon Basin Watershed Program, Bonneville Power Administration, Idaho Fish & Game, Idaho Governor’s Office of Species Conservation, Trout Unlimited, Private Landowner

SCOPE – Field data collection & analysis, revegetation design, 404 permitting, HIP III, coordination with partners, construction management, native plant revegetation

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New channel utilizing existing willows and herbaceous wetland vegetation

New channel utilizing existing willows and herbaceous wetland vegetation

Eighteenmile - Salmon Habitat Restoration

TYPE – River Restoration

GOAL – Move an existing irrigation point of diversion upstream and reconnect a straightened section of creek to its historic channel and floodplain

LOCATION – Leadore, ID

DATE – 2017-2018

CLIENT – Lemhi Soil & Water Conservation District

PARTNERS – Upper Salmon Basin Watershed Program, Bonneville Power Administration, Idaho Governor’s Office of Species Conservation, Trout Unlimited, Private Landowner

SCOPE – Field data collection & analysis, topographic survey, fish passage analysis, channel construction, habitat enhancement design, revegetation design, construction management, permitting

Stream is narrowed by a point bar re-vegetated with wetland sod and potted willows

Stream is narrowed by a point bar re-vegetated with wetland sod and potted willows

Big Springs - Salmon Habitat Restoration

TYPE – Spring Creek Restoration

GOAL – Improve bank, channel and riparian conditions to address shade and habitat in areas where existing channel geometry and riparian vegetation is impaired

LOCATION – Leadore, ID

DATE – 2017-2018

CLIENT – Lemhi Regional Land Trust

PARTNERS – Rio ASE (DESIGN PARTNER), Upper Salmon Basin Watershed Program, Bonneville Power Administration, Idaho Fish & Game, Idaho Governor’s Office of Species Conservation, Trout Unlimited, Private Landowner

SCOPE – Field data collection & analysis, revegetation design, 404 permitting, HIP III, coordination with partners, construction management, native plant revegetation

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Town of Dubois - Pete’s Pond - public recreation area

TYPE – Trout Pond

GOAL – Design and construct a 3.1-acre recreation trout pond/wetland complex for public use adjacent to the Wind River ADA trail system.


DATE – 2013 - 2017

CLIENT – Dubois Anglers & Wildlife Group

SCOPE – Field data collection & analysis, topographic survey, groundwater monitoring, inlet diversion and outlet design, ACOE permitting, water rights permitting, engineered plan set, revegetation design, construction management

river restoration toolbox

This slideshow was presented at the Idaho American Fisheries Society Annual meeting in Februrary 2017

Small woody debris structures to provide habitat for juvenile Snake River cutthroat trout - stream restoration


TYPE – Spring Creek Restoration & Enhancement

GOAL – Improve water quality, stream function and native trout habitat on Edmiston Spring Creek


DATE – 2016

CLIENT – Wyoming Game & Fish Department, Trout Unlimited

SCOPE – Field Data Collection & Analysis, Topographic Survey, Fish Passage Analysis, Channel Restoration, Habitat Enhancement Design, Stakeholder Outreach & Communication


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Culvert / irrigation control structure that is a barrier to fish passage - stream restoration


TYPE – River Restoration

GOAL – Restore stream health by improving water quality, habitat, and stream function; and to provide fish passage and connectivity between Rock Creek and the lower Big Wood River.

LOCATION – Bellevue, ID

DATE – 2016

CLIENT – Wood River Land Trust, The Nature Conservancy, Trout Unlimited

SCOPE – Field Data Collection & Analysis, Topographic Survey, Fish Passage Analysis & Design, Channel Restoration, Bank Stabilization, Ranch Planning


Stream Restoration plan view and cross sections from the Final Design


TYPE – River Restoration

GOAL – Restore a section of the Popo Agie River through the town of Lander to provide low-flow habitat for salmonids.


DATE – 2016

CLIENT – Wyoming Game & Fish Department, Trout Unlimited, Popo Agie Conservation District

SCOPE – Field Data Collection & Analysis, Topographic Survey, Hydraulic Modeling, Channel Restoration, Salmonid Habitat Enhancement, Revegetation Design, Construction Management


Riffles, grade control logs, excavated pools, and riparian planting for stream restoration


TYPE – Spring Creek Restoration & Enhancement

GOAL – Maximize trout habitat and angling opportunities on a degraded spring creek.


DATE – 2015

CLIENT – Private landowner

SCOPE – Field Data Collection & Analysis, Topographic Survey, Fish Passage Analysis, Channel Restoration, Trout Habitat Enhancement


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A constructed point bar revegetated with bareroot plants and wetland sod for stream restoration


TYPE – Spring Creek Restoration & Enhancement

GOAL – Maximize trout habitat and angling opportunities on an irrigation ditch

LOCATION – Jackson, WY

DATE – 2015

CLIENT – Private landowner

SCOPE – Field Data Collection & Analysis, Topographic Survey, Channel Restoration, Trout Habitat Enhancement


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Stream restoration stabilization has been completed, using transplanted willows, soil wraps, and rows of containerized plants


TYPE – Bio-engineered Streambank Stabilization

GOAL – Restore an eroding river bank using native plants


DATE – 2013

CLIENT – Lemhi Regional Land Trust

SCOPE – Topographic Survey, Hydraulic Modeling, HEC-RAS analysis, Bioengineered Bank Stabilization Design


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Dense willows growing along a bank that was eroding and unstable prior to construction


TYPE – Bio-engineered Streambank Stabilization

GOAL – Restore an three eroding river banks using native plants and innovative bio-engineering techniques

LOCATION – Rexburg, ID

DATE – 2013

CLIENT – Private landowner

SCOPE – Topographic Survey, Hydraulic Modeling, HEC-RAS analysis, Bioengineered Bank Stabilization Design


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pond restoration in wyoming

Dreamcatcher Ranch Trout Pond

TYPE – Trout Pond

GOAL – Design and construct a 1.9 acre, groundwater fed, recreational ranch fishing pond.


DATE – 2012

CLIENT – Private landowner

SCOPE – Field data collection & analysis, topographic survey, groundwater monitoring, water rights permitting, engineered plan set, revegetation design, construction management

Wyoming pond construction and restoration

John Dodge Trout Pond

TYPE – Trout Pond

GOAL – Design and construct a lined, well-fed residential trout pond. 

LOCATION – Jackson, WY

DATE – 2008

CLIENT – Private landowner

SCOPE – Field data collection & analysis, topographic survey, groundwater monitoring, well sizing, water rights permitting, Teton County permitting, revegetation design, construction management and revegetation

jackson hole trout pond construction

Granite Ranch Trout Pond

TYPE– Trout Pond

GOAL – Work with landscape architects, Hershberger Design, to design a trout pond with a wide native vegetation perimeter to attract wildlife and blend with the surrounding landscape.

LOCATION – Jackson, WY

DATE – 2007

CLIENT – Hershberger Design

SCOPE – Revegetation design, permitting assistance, construction management, and revegetation

jackson hole pond contruction and stream restoration

Three Creek Ranch Golf Course Lakes

TYPE – Wetlands & Lakes

GOAL – Work with landscape architects, Verdone Landscaping, to design and install a wide native vegetation perimeter around the golf course ponds to blend with the surrounding landscape.

LOCATION – Jackson, WY

DATE – 2007

CLIENT – Three Creek Ranch

SCOPE – Revegetation design and installation.