IMA was contracted to, design, permit, install and pursue grant funding for a stream restoration project on private property. The goal of the project was to design and implement a restoration project that maximized the fishing and recreation opportunities, while enhancing spawning and overwinter habitat for Cutthroat trout and reestablishing riparian vegetation along the stream corridor.  The design included re-routing the creek through relic channels to create additional stream habitat and create oxbow wetlands.  The stream realignment and oxbow creation provide functional wetland habitat for juvenile trout and waterfowl, eliminate two areas of severe bank erosion and sediment sources into the creek, and curb bank erosion that is close to undermining the adjacent county road.  Grant funding was secured from Wyoming Department of Game & Fish, US Fish & Wildlife Service, and Wyoming Wildlife & Natural Resource Trust. The project spanned approximately 1 mile of creek.   

Channel segments with severe bank erosion were converted into oxbow wetlands and now provide habitat for juvenile trout and waterfowl.

Channel segments with severe bank erosion were converted into oxbow wetlands and now provide habitat for juvenile trout and waterfowl.

Aerial image of pre-project conditions (Google Earth)

Aerial image of pre-project conditions (Google Earth)

The restoration work has greatly increased angling opportunities

The restoration work has greatly increased angling opportunities

Aerial image 2 years post-construction (Google Earth)

Aerial image 2 years post-construction (Google Earth)

Cross-vane weirs were installed to provide grade control and increase pool habitat

Cross-vane weirs were installed to provide grade control and increase pool habitat