Foster Slough Hemi-Marshes

TYPE – Wetlands, Ponds & Lakes

GOAL – Create 32 acres of hemi-marsh habitat in a historically flood irrigated hay field


DATE – 2022-2024

CLIENT – Private landowner

SCOPE – Topographic surveying, grading plan, dike engineering and design, revegetation plan, permitting, construction oversight

DETAILS – The primary goal of the design was to establish critical habitat for waterfowl and shorebird nesting and rearing, with target species including the long-billed curlew and sandhill cranes. The design also integrated considerations for groundwater recharge. The hemi-marsh features were designed to be fed by surface water, with grading carefully planned to allow water to accumulate and gradually seep into the aquifer, helping to maintain late-season river flows.  Wildlife utilization of the newly created habitat was immediate and significant. Within the first season, we observed nesting waterfowl as well as sightings of sandhill cranes, long-billed curlews, American avocets, Wilson’s phalaropes, and a variety of other waterfowl species. This rapid wildlife use underscores the success of the habitat in meeting its ecological objectives.

Camas NWR Water Resource Management

TYPE – Water Budget Management, Habitat Enhancement Design

GOAL – Improve water supply, delivery, and retention issues that were limiting the acreage of habitat that could be sustained


DATE – 2020-ongoing


SCOPE – Water budget analysis, restoration design, construction oversight

DETAILS – IMA developed complex water budgets to study how water was used on the Refuge and how to maximize acreage of wetland using surface water and pumped groundwater. The design included moving three groundwater wells, lining over 1 mile of a leaky supply ditch, addition of solar generation to offset pump costs, new inlet and outlet structures to better control flows

Wetland installed with bentonite liner to become part of the natural areas in Simplot Park’s wildlife habitat restoration project

esther simplot park stormwater wetland design, construction, and revegetation

TYPE – Native Plant Revegetation

GOAL – Detention / retention and infiltration wetlands for stormwater management, revegetation of lake shores for erosion control and aesthetics


DATE – 2016

CLIENT – McMillen Jacobs Associates

SCOPE – Revegetation Consulting and Design, Planting, Pond Lining, Seeding

DETAILS – Esther Simplot Park included many components in the planting areas, from submerged aquatic vegetation to upland shrubs and wetland sod. Our sister company, North Fork Native Plants, provided the plant material for the project. The park is now a popular recreation area within Boise city limits.


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Settlers Place Mitigation

TYPE – Wetlands, Ponds & Lakes

GOAL – Enhance 0.5 acres of existing wetland to provide shallow, seasonal open water habitat and mudflats for water birds


DATE – 2022

CLIENT – Private landowner

SCOPE– Wetland Design, Revegetation Design, Permitting

Pocatello zoo swan breeding pond

TYPE – Wetlands, Ponds & Lakes

GOAL –  Swan Pond Feasibility Analysis, Design, Vegetation Plan, Installation

LOCATION – Pocatello, ID   

DATE – 2016 - present

CLIENT – Pocatello Zoo

SCOPE – Scoping and Feasibility, Survey, Design, Engineering, Revegetation, Plant Propagation and Installation, Fencing

The nature conservancy Flat Ranch

TYPE – Wetlands, Ponds & Lakes

GOAL –  Trumpeter Swan Breeding Wetland

LOCATION - Island Park, ID   

DATE – 2016 - present

CLIENT – The Nature Conservancy

SCOPE – Feasibility Analysis, Hydrologic Modeling, Hydrologic Testing, Concept Design, Geo-technical Evaluation

Seeded native plants with sagebrush seedlings establishing for wildlife habitat restoration


TYPE – Sagebrush Steppe Restoration 

GOAL – Seed fields previously in production with native plants and restore sage-steppe habitat


DATE – 2014 - present

CLIENT – Private landowner

SCOPE – Seeding, Monitoring, Weed Control

wildlife habitat restoration in Idaho


TYPE – Wetlands, Ponds & Lakes; Native Plant Revegetation

GOAL – Construct wetlands, restore streams, re-seed fields with native plants; weed control

LOCATION – Bellevue, ID

DATE – 2011 - 2017

CLIENT – Private landowner

SCOPE– Streambank Consulting and Design, Wetland Design, Revegetation Consulting and Design, Planting, Construction Management, Bioengineering, Erosion Control Installation, Monitoring, Weed Control, Seeding


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Reconstructed streambank ready to be revegetated example of wildlife habitat restoration


TYPE – Native Plant Revegetation

GOAL – Revegetate reconstructed spring creek channel


DATE – 2016


SCOPE – Russian Olive Removal, Planting, Willow Brush Mattress Construction and Installation, Revegetation Consulting and Design

DETAILS – IMA complied with all safety requirements necessary to work on railroad property for a large firm such as CH2M Hill

Crew at work planting native willows for wildlife habitat restoration


TYPE – Native Plant Revegetation

GOAL – Plant 11 acres of created floodplain on an island in the Snake River


DATE – 2016

CLIENT – The Freshwater Trust / Idaho Power

SCOPE – Revegetation Consulting and Design, Planting, Browse Protection, Seeding, Willow Brush Erosion Control

DETAILS – This challenging site involved large-scale coordination with construction occurring concurrently with planting, working on an island, complying with Idaho Power safety and reporting requirements

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See a local news story on this project

wildlife habitat restoration with flowers coming up


TYPE – Native Plant Revegetation

GOAL – Revegetate wetland area in NPS Weippe Prairie


DATE – 2016

CLIENT – National Park Service

SCOPE – Planting, Custom Growing

DETAILS – In concert with our sister company, North Fork Native Plants, IMA provided plants, labor, and installation expertise at Weippe Prairie in northern Idaho


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Installing monitoring equipment for wildlife habitat restoration

marty wetland restoration

TYPE – Wetlands, Ponds & Lakes

GOAL – Wetland restoration, planting, upland seeding

LOCATION – Jefferson County, ID

DATE – 2013 - 2016

CLIENT – Idaho Fish and Game

SCOPE – Feasibility Analysis, Seepage Testing, Planting Plan and Design, Planting Wetland Plants, Soil Evaluation, Water Budgeting, Evaluating Irrigation Infrastructure and Water Rights

wildlife habitat restoration near bridge


TYPE – Native Plant Revegetation

GOAL – Revegetate 4 sites along the Salmon River with riparian shrubs and trees

LOCATION – Clayton, ID

DATE – 2015

CLIENT – Idaho Transportation Department

SCOPE – Revegetation Consulting and Design, Planting, Irrigation

DETAILS – This project provided required mitigation for ITD after re-aligning road bridges over the East Fork of the Salmon River. Access and stabilizing vegetation was challenging, but vegetation is getting established and performing as intended to stabilize the banks.

Bank is stabilized with soil lifts and a variety of plantings for wildlife habitat restoration


TYPE – Native Plant Revegetation

GOAL – Restore and revegetate 2,000 linear feet of streambank to improve stream shading and streambank stability

LOCATION – Park City, Utah        

DATE – 2013 - 2015

CLIENT – Swaner Nature Preserve and SWCA Environmental Consultants

SCOPE – Construction Management, Bioengineering, Erosion Control Installation, Planting, Broadcast Seeding, Plant Propagation, Browse Protection, Irrigation, Weed Control

A wide variety of wetland plants along the creek in Idaho for wildlife habitat restoration

Silver Creek Preserve - Kilpatrick Pond

TYPE – Wetlands, Ponds & Lakes

GOAL – Create and restore wetland and riparian habitats along Silver Creek to reduce stream temperature and improve aquatic habitat for resident fish and macro invertebrate populations

LOCATION – Picabo, ID                  

DATE – 2013 - 2015

CLIENT – The Nature Conservancy of Idaho

SCOPE – Topographic Survey, Hydrologic Monitoring, Wetland and Revegetation Design, Bioengineered Bank Restoration, Planting, Broadcast and Drill Seeding, Irrigation, Browse Protection, Weed Management

wildlife habitat restoration on Jesse Creek

Jesse Creek Habitat Restoration

TYPE – Native Plant Revegetation

GOAL – Revegetate Jesse Creek, a tributary to the Henry’s Fork River, after flows were successfully turned back into a de-watered channel

LOCATION – West Yellowstone, MT

DATE – 2014

CLIENT – The Nature Conservancy of Idaho

SCOPE – Revegetation Consulting and Design, Planting, Browse Protection

Completed revegetation around ponds for wildlife habitat restoration

dingle pond

TYPE – Native Plant Revegetation

GOAL – Revegetate mitigation ponds

LOCATION – Bear Lake County, ID

DATE – 2014

CLIENT – Idaho Transportation Department

SCOPE – Revegetation Plan, Installation

Launching a vegetated floating island to improve wildlife habitat

lazy k ranch

TYPE – Wetlands, Ponds & Lakes

GOAL – Wetland creation and enhancement through dikes and excavation, habitat enhancement

LOCATION – Driggs, ID  

DATE – Ongoing

CLIENT – Private landowner

SCOPE – Wetland Design, Construction Management, Floating Island Installation, Dike Creation and Maintenance, Seeding, Revegetation

Completed pond with established vegetation for wildlife habitat restoration

graham partners

TYPE – Wetlands, Ponds & Lakes

GOAL – Create and revegetate pond, plant field with natives, plant aspens


DATE – 2014 - 2015

CLIENT – Private landowner

SCOPE – Pond Design, Revegetation Plan, Construction, Plant Installation, Monitoring, Tree Planting, Seeding, Shrub Planting

rainbow over a wildlife habitat restoration project

Lee creek restoration and revegetation

TYPE – Native Plant Revegetation

GOAL – Revegetate 5,000 feet of newly constructed channel that reconnects Lee Creek to the Lemhi River to provide beneficial habitat to native fish populations in Lee Creek

LOCATION – Leadore, ID

DATE – 2013

CLIENT – The Nature Conservancy of Idaho

SCOPE – Revegetation Consulting, Plant Propagation, Willow Cutting Collection and Installation, Planting, Drill Seeding

Planting clusters of native vegetation along the reconstructed channel

Teton creek restoration and revegetation

TYPE – Native Plant Revegetation

GOAL – Revegetate 7,400 feet of reconstructed channel


DATE – 2013

CLIENT – Friends of the Teton River          

SCOPE– Revegetation Consulting, Willow Collection and Installation

Before and after wildlife habitat restoration

Watts bridge

TYPE – Native Plant Revegetation

GOAL – Revegetate Watts Bridge construction area to wetland

LOCATION – Challis, ID

DATE – 2013

CLIENT – Idaho Transportation Department

SCOPE – Revegetation Plan, Installation, Monitoring

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Lower Pratt Creek restoration

Partnership with RIO Applied Science & Engineering

TYPE – Revegetation

GOAL –  Restore and maintain riparian vegetation along the new stream channel; establish a weed-free, native riparian and wetland community

LOCATION – Leadore, ID   

DATE – 2017 - present

CLIENT – Trout Unlimited

SCOPE – Revegetation Design

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Middle Eighteenmile Creek Habitat Improvement

Partnership with RIO Applied Science & Engineering

TYPE – Revegetation

GOAL –  Establish a weed-free, native riparian and wetland community for improved stream shading and reduced thermal loading; stabilize stream banks and reduce sediment delivery

LOCATION – Leadore, ID   

DATE – 2017 - present

CLIENT – Lemhi Soil and Water Conservation District

SCOPE – Revegetation Design