We help organizations meet their natural resource goals and objectives
We can help you
Develop habitat restoration concept plans & budgets
Collect and analyze topographic, bathymetric, geomorphic, hydrologic, hydraulic, wetland and vegetation data
Identify innovative solutions to achieve project objectives
Produce detailed basis of design reports, CAD designs, technical specifications and construction bid packages
Produce site-specific native plant revegetation plans
Acquire permits
Manage construction contractors
Complete detailed as-built surveys
Monitor and adaptively manage projects to ensure project success
Highlighted current & past clients
Idaho Fish & Game Department
Idaho Department of Transportation
Grand Teton National Park
Mesa Verde National Park
National Park Service
US Fish & Wildlife Service
Wyoming Game & Fish Department
Ada County, ID
Teton County, ID
Teton County, WY Trout Unlimited
The Nature Conservancy
Jackson Hole Land Trust
Teton Regional Land Trust
Lemhi Regional Land Trust
Cascade Columbia Fisheries Enhancement Group
Chelan County, WA