Edmiston Spring Creek is a small tributary of Fish Creek that flows through the heart of Wilson, Wyoming. The goal of this project is to implement a habitat restoration design that benefits Snake River Cutthroat trout. Project stakeholders include property owners, Jackson Hole Trout Unlimited, and the Wyoming Game and Fish Department. The creek was first studied by IMA to evaluate existing conditions, identify potential restoration opportunities, and evaluate the trout population. IMA conducted several community outreach presentations to educate stakeholders on the current state of the creek and existing habitat value. A conceptual restoration design was presented to the group and stakeholder feedback was obtained. Through good communication and clearly presented information, IMA allowed project stakeholders to make informed decisions to alter project objectives and steer the project towards the most appropriate strategy. The final restoration plan focuses on reducing sediment loading from storm water runoff and bolstering juvenile trout habitat while preserving valuable wetlands. Minimally disruptive construction techniques were employed to limit disturbance and appease private property owners. One technique included the manual installation of two types of small woody debris structures. These structures mimic the type of habitat where juvenile trout were found during sampling, while reducing channel widths and promoting sediment transport.
Before - the wide, slow creek offers no juvenile trout cover except clumps of invasive grasses
After - small woody debris structures channelize the creek and provide cover for juvenile trout
Before - the creek is silted and has minimal bank vegetation to provide shade and cover
After - the silt is replaced with spawning gravels, willows are planted along banks to provide shade and cover
Electrofishing to determine trout populations and locations in the creek
Juvenile trout found in natural small woody debris, inspiring the structures in the design