The goal of this project was to increase the form and function of a 700ft section of the August Christensen Ditch located at a private residence. The August Christensen Ditch is thought to be a remnant flood channel of the Snake River and is utilized by Snake River Cutthroat Trout. The stream design consisted of excavated pools, spawning riffles, cover logs, and channel re-meanders. Re-meandering the stream resulted in wetland impacts that were then mitigated at a 2:1 rate along the channel margins. Constructed point bars and inset flood planes were graded to receive wetland hydrology and obligate wetland species were planted. Design and permitting was complex due to various county setbacks and concurrent planning of a major house addition and site work. IMA worked closely with Army Corps of Engineers, Teton County, architects, landscape architects, construction contractors, and owner’s representatives to ensure that all facets of the project were compatible.
Before - The new channel is staked prior to excavation and construction
June 2016 - New channel newly planted with bareroot plugs and seeded
August 2015 - Revgetation is complete
Spring 2014 - Following construction, a point bar (right) and planting bench (left) before revegetation
Summer 2015 - The point bar and planting bench are revegetated with native wetland species